Mathematics Problems in Industry (MPI): June 13-17, 2016

Workshop Information

June 13, 2016 - June 17, 2016
Duke University

The Mathematical Problems in Industry (MPI) workshop is a 5-day problem solving meeting focusing on a set of problems of interest to science and industry. On the first day, the industry representatives present their problems to the whole group. These problems vary widely in nature from those requiring basic physical modeling to those requiring significant simulation, computation, or data analysis. For the rest of the week, the workshop participants break up into small working groups consisting of senior faculty and attending scientists, graduate students, and the industrial representatives, to discuss and tackle the problems in an informal setting. On the last day of the workshop, an academic participant from each group presents the results obtained and discusses possible future directions.

The 2016 MPI workshop will be held at Duke University and is being co-sponsored by SAMSI. Details on the set of problems and further local information (schedule, location,...) is available at

Registration Deadline is Friday May 13, 2016