Diversity Statement

SAMSI is fully committed to the goal of fostering diversity in research in the mathematical sciences. Therefore we engage in a number of activities which align with the National Science Foundation's Diversity Mission Statement:

"NSF's goal is to expand the numbers and diversity of individuals - women and men, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities - engaged in the science and engineering enterprise through increased participation of underrepresented groups and institutions in all NSF programs and activities. Here underrepresented minorities include African Americans, American Indians including Native Alaskans, Hispanics and Native Pacific Islanders." (See www.nsf.gov for further information on NSF and other programs related to diversity in the mathematical and physical sciences).

Recent and future SAMSI activites:

SAMSI also participates in a variety of activities through the Math Institutes Diversity Committee

  • Conversations with Minority Scientists, MAA Committee on Minority Participation-North American Institutes Informal Gathering. January 7, 2008 at the Joint Mathematical Meeting, San Diego CA
  • Modern Math Workshop, October 14-15-2009, Dallas, TX
  • Modern Math Workshop, September 29-30, 2010, Anaheim, CA, SACNAS 2010
  • Modern Math Workshop, October 2-3, 2013, San Antonio, TX, SACNAS 2013
  • Nodern Math Workshop, October 15-16, 2014, Los Angeles, CA, SACNAS 2014
  • Together with the other NSF mathematical sciences institutes, SAMSI has recently secured supplemental NSF funding that will allow for the long term planning of an entire portfolio of activities including the Modern Math workshop series, the Workshop Celebrating Diversity series, the Minority Professional Development workshop, the Careers for Minorities workshops, the Careers for Women workshops, the Blackwell Tapia Conferences and some activities in conjunction with the Association for Women in Mathematics