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Data Analysis on Sample Spaces with a Manifold Stratification

AOOD Program working group.

Many statistics problems deal with data naturally sampled from spaces with singularities.  For example, such is the case for shape data in three dimensions, where the sample space is a singular orbifold, or metric tree data, where the sample space is a polyhedral complex. Our goals are to understand the role of intrinsic and extrinsic geometry near singularities in asymptotics and to develop nonparametric methodologies and fast inference techniques in applications.

Victor Patrangenaru's picture

Yur help is needed for a final report. THANK YOU!

Victor Patrangenaru's picture


Victor Patrangenaru's picture


Ezra Miller's picture

Papers potentially arising from the Stratified Spaces Working Group

mbuibas's picture

Marius' presentation on 5/25

Ezra Miller's picture

Summary for 18 May and agenda for 25 May

Sungkyu Jung's picture

Interpretable metric for SPD matrices

Victor Patrangenaru's picture


Ezra Miller's picture

May 4 summary and May 11 agenda