2006-07 Program on High Dimensional Inference and Random Matrices

RANDOM MATRIX THEORY lies at the confluence of several areas of mathematics, especially number theory, combinatorics, dynamical systems, diffusion processes, probability and statistics. At the same time Random Matrix Theory may hold the key to solving critical problems for a broad range of complex systems from biophysics to quantum chaos to signals and communication theory to machine learning to finance to geoscience modeling. This semester-long Program is a unique opportunity to explore the interplay of stochastic and mathematical aspects to random matrix theory and application.

Program Leaders: Iain Johnstone (Stanford University, Chair), Peter Bickel (UC Berkeley), Helene Massam (York University), Douglas Nychka (NCAR), Craig Tracy (UC Davis); G. W. Stewart (Univ. of Maryland, National Advisory Committee Liaison), Chris Jones (SAMSI, Directorate Liaison)

Scientific Committee: Myles Allen (Oxford), Estelle Basor (California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo), David Donoho (Statistics, Stanford), Persi Diaconis (Statistics, Stanford), Jianqing Fan (Princeton), Ken McLaughlin (Mathematics, Univ. of Arizona), Neil O'Connell (Univ. of Warwick, UK), Ben Santer (Lawrence Livermore), Jack Silverstein (Mathematics, N.C. State), Ofer Zeitouni (Univ. of Minnesota)

Research Foci

The aim of the Program is to bring together researchers interested in the theory and applications of random matrices to share their results, discuss new research directions and develop collaborations. The focus of the Program will be on large-dimensional random matrices and the problems which make use of them.

At least three broad challenges stand out:

  • Furthering our understanding of the spectral properties of random matrices under various models and assumptions (this is a "direct" problem).
  • Recovering from an observed random matrix information about the process from which it was generated (this is an "inverse" problem).
  • Making an efficient use of newly gained understanding of random matrices to advance research in a wide array of scientific disciplines, including statistics, dynamical systems, climatology, machine learning, signal processing, and finance.

Although specific research foci will be determined by the participants following the Opening Tutorial and Kickoff Workshop, potential research topics might draw from:
Direct Problems:

  • Extreme eigenvalues of random covariance matrices:
    Asymptotic and non-asymptotic distributions, in the Gaussian setting. Robustness of results to Gaussian assumption. Focus on non-diagonal covariance matrices. Difficulties arising with real-valued random variables.
  • Dynamic behavior of eigenvalues of matrix processes:
    Matrices whose elements undergo diffusion (Dyson Processes); stochastic differential equations for their eigenvalues. Scaling limits (Airy processes) and their descriptions via Partial Differential Equations. Connections to growth processes.
  • Eigenvector problems:
    Limiting theory for eigenvectors. Free probability techniques.
  • Spectral properties of other random matrices arising in multivariate Statistics:
    Techniques such as Canonical Correlation Analysis and related random matrix problems. Covariance matrices with covariance in space and time.

Inverse problems:

  • Estimation of large covariance matrices:
    Regularization techniques by banding, filtering and using L1 penalties; their theoretical and practical properties. Problems of space-time models. Study of methods used in scientific disciplines such as machine learning and "econophysics".
  • Consistency and estimability problems:
    Consistency of sample eigenvectors in covariance estimation problems. Estimability issues for eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Implications for Principal Component Analysis (PCA).


  • Climatology:
    Empirical Orthogonal Functions and related techniques: summarization of evolving geophysical fields via spectral techniques. Approximation via truncated expansions, properties of these truncated expansions (feature significance). Regularization techniques including tapering and inflation methods. Application to detection and estimation of climate change signal.
  • Dynamical systems:
    Design of snapshots, i.e., finding a minimal number of functions, tailored to a specific problem, that accurately represent the problem's dynamics.
  • Data Assimilation:
    Combination of numerical models and observations. Ensemble Kalman filtering: impact of sample information on propagation of covariance, effect of ensemble size, tapering and inflation methods.
  • Graphical Gaussian models:
    Consistent estimation of the model structure,study of the rates of convergence. Consistent estimation of the covariance matrix. Other problems arising in graphical models with large data sets.
  • Computation of moments of large random Wishart matrices, connection to graph theory and connection to methods in free probability.

  • General statistical inference:
    Consistency of regression functions dependent upon the behaviour of certain large random matrices. Problems arising in model selection, estimation and testing. Principal components analysis and choice of the best projections.

Description of Activities

Workshops: The Kickoff Workshop will be September 17, 2006 - September 20, 2006 will include a one-day Opening Tutorial to present background on random matrices viewed from each key mathematical discipline. The principal goal of the Workshop itself will be to engage a broad mathematical base to focus on open questions that are amenable to solution by combining probabilistic and applied mathematical approaches.

In Spring 2007, the Research Transition Workshop will provide a forum for presentation of results and applications.

Second Semester Emphasis on Geometry and Random Matrices

Research Foci

From the perspective of inference, clustering, and machine learning, geometric ideas have been gaining greater emphasis. One reason for this has been the realization that predictive models with a small amount of labeled data can be greatly improved by incorporating unlabelled data. Thus the geometry of the marginal distribution provides salient and compelling information in many real world problems.

This insight has lead to a variety of statistical models and algorithms as well as to the study of a variety of mathematical objects. A nonexhaustive list follows: spectral clustering, nonlinear dimensionality reduction, manifold learning, learning homologies, topological persistence, semi-supervised learning, non-parametric semi-supervised Bayesian models, the Laplace-Beltrami operator, graph Laplacians, diffusion models on manifolds, random projections. Most, if not all, of the above topics are intimately related to the study of random matrices either from an algorithmic perspective or from the perspective that the structure of a random matrix depending on data drawn from a measure is fundamental in understanding the topic.

There is interest in this area both from statisticians involved in statistical inference of high-dimensional data, computer scientists interested in computational geometry and topology, and mathematicians studying multiscale representations and diffusion processes.

This semester emphasis will bring together computer scientists, geometers, and statisticians to explore geometric ideas in statistical inference and computational methods for inference. High dimensional inference and random matrices are central quantities and structures that need to be studied and understood for this program.

The week long workshop will begin the program focusing on Geometry and Random Matrices. Both algorithms and the fundamental mathematical objects computed by the algorithms will be stressed. This will be followed by a semester long working group on "Geometry, Random Matrices, and Statistical Inference."

We are also planning to have regular visitors, who will give talks at the weekly seminar. Some of the visitors may stay for longer periods of time, e.g. 1-2 weeks. There will be a SAMSI course (Geometry, Random Matrices, and Statistical Inference) associated with the program.

Working Groups: The working groups meet regularly throughout the program to pursue particular research topics identified in the kickoff workshop (or subsequently chosen by the working group participants). The working groups consist of SAMSI visitors, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and local faculty and scientists. It is not necessary to be continually resident at SAMSI to maintain connection to the working groups.

Climate and Weather

Wireless Communications


Regularization and Covariance

Geometric Methods

Multivariate Distributions

Graphical Models/Bayesian Methods

Estimating functionals of a high dimensional sparse vector of means